
Kindly leave a comment on performances or workshops.



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Viewing entries 76 through to 82 (Total entries: 82)

Name:   Yomi "Greeds" Sode
Comments:   I clearly remember the days I first stepped on to the scene and I was quiet as a mouse just observing the environment and and how people vibed off of eachother. your performances blew me away and your pieces were heart felt. I give thanks that you have supported me in my growth as a writer and also as a performer. This site not only shows the body of work you have done, it shows the dedication you put in to make things work even when times were hard.

Love always

Thursday, October 08 2009 - 08:48 AM
Name:   Terence blue
Comments:   I have had the pleaure of seeing realitie perform on a number of occasions at the INSPIRE open mic night her poetry details what is happening today,it is delivered in a way that all can identify
I have also found her book entitled Harsh Realities a good read.

All the V. Best Jo

Onwards & Upwards

Monday, October 05 2009 - 04:55 PM
Name:   Sharon
Comments:   Realitie's work speaks for itself. She delivers 'real talk' in poetry form. Her poems imitate real life situations which most anyone can relate too. She is definately an inspiration. Keep up the good work.
Sunday, October 04 2009 - 08:59 PM
Name:   Sereena
Comments:   Great work, had listen to the audios the websites very nice, hopefuly this will mean more people get to hear about the work your doing i think it's great jo. thank you
Sunday, October 04 2009 - 05:06 PM
Name:   Jessica Williams
Comments:   your work is not only touching and inspiring .its thr truth and i think society dose'nt hear the truth often enough nowa days.Every one can relate to your poems to me me some of them are even personal experience and thats why your poems are remembered they stick in your mind and the deliver a message.
Keep on working its much appreciated.
Saturday, October 03 2009 - 11:57 AM
Name:   Michelle
Comments:   You definitely exemplify real talk. I had the opportunity to witness one of your workshops for 12- 13 year olds, and I was moved. I wish I had someone like you coming to speak to me when I was in secondary school, believe me I could have done with some of that empowerment when I was a teenager.

Keep up the good work.
Wednesday, September 30 2009 - 02:13 PM
Name:   face
Comments:   hi jo.

love your work,very strong positive content and you give an engaging performance.

also enjoyed the books and i look forward to hearing more from you.
Monday, September 28 2009 - 02:13 PM

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